Raditeq offers the RadiPower model RPR3006W to comply with the measurement requirements of the ETSI 300 328 and 301 893 standards for wideband data transmission systems, like IEEE 802.11TM, Bluetooth and ZigbeeTM. The RPR3006W covers a measurements range from 10 MHz to 6 GHz. The RPR3008W now covers a measurement range of 10 MHz to 8 GHz to include the new WI-FI 6E (IEEE 802.11ax) standard.
Measuring function RMS power, peak max hold and Burst mode
Measurement speed (1) 10, 50, 100 kS/s, 1, 5, 10, 20, 33 MS/s
Storage capacity 100.000 samples 100.000 bursts
Resolution 0,01 dBMeasuring units dBm or Watt
Zero adjustment Not required
Input damage level > +20 dBm